Project: Cloyd’s Dairy Remediation
Former Cloyd’s Dairy Landfill
Client: MMI Development

In late 2019, American Environmental Consulting began working with MMI Development to provide comprehensive environmental support on two adjacent Orange County parcels totaling approximately 40 acres. Straddling busy Lake Underhill Road, the site is referred to as the former “Cloyd’s Dairy Landfill” and was historically used by Orange County as a Type 4 sanitary landfill and for surface disposal of construction and demolition debris. The landfill operations were abandoned in 1980 and the site has been monitored by Orange County Risk Management (OCRM). Key to MMI’s vision for developing the site into a new mixed-use neighborhood to be called Fieldstream Village, is the excavation and remediation of the former dump. However, past remediation has been hindered because a portion of the dump is buried under the pavement of Lake Underhill Road.
AEC was retained by MMI to prepare an Excavation and Disposal Plan (EDP). The plan included air monitoring, odor control and dust control plans to mitigate health effects on site workers and the neighboring communities. The EDP was submitted to and approved by the Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP). Under the plan, AEC conducted test pits and waste characterization to identify the nature of the subsurface contamination. The volume of the buried trash at the site is estimated to be 350,000- 400,000 cubic yards. MMI’s intent is to remove 100% of the buried trash for offsite disposal at a proper landfill. The pending project has received a lot of public attention because of the project scope and impending reconfiguration of Lake Underhill Road. As such, the developer has engaged Kelly Eger-Smith, President of AEC, to serve as MMI’s environmental liaison at numerous public and government agency meetings.
After the site is fully remediated, MMI will complete the development of Fieldstream Village in several phases to include approximately 1,500 market-rate apartments, a parking structure and up to 100,000 SF of walkable commercial, retail and office space. The Lake Underhill Road improvements include widening from two to four lanes, adding bike lanes and broad pedestrian walkways. Two roundabouts will also improve the traffic flow in this congested corridor and improve safety for drivers and pedestrians.
As an integral member of the development team, AEC anticipates providing project management of all site remediation and appropriate closure documentation.