Project: Oviedo Discount Beverage
Oviedo Discount Beverage Site Assessment, Tank Closure & Source Removal
Client: 110 Geneva Drive LLC

American Environmental Consulting completed a Tank Closure Assessment, an Underground Storage Tank Removal and a Phase I Environmental Site Assessment at this former retail fueling station located at 110 Geneva Drive in Oviedo, Florida. The 2.32-acre site had a 70 year commercial history and is within an FDEP-designated Brownfield area. This site was the subject of several historical petroleum discharges, the first of which occurred in 1988.
In late 2019, AEC was retained by the property owner to review the historical remediation reports and to evaluate the effectiveness of the historical cleanup activities. AEC was also tasked with addressing an outstanding petroleum discharge reported in 2018.
In 2020, AEC completed a tank closure and underground storage tank removal at the site related to the 2018 petroleum discharge. The entire petroleum storage system was removed including the canopy, dispensers, product lines, sumps, three (3) 10,000-gallon USTs, all the secondary containment components, vent pipes and conduit. The shallow groundwater table was 3 feet below land surface creating a challenging source removal. Close to 1,500 tons of petroleum-impacted soil was excavated from the site. In 2020, FDEP issued a Site Rehabilitation Completion Order (SRCO) without conditions for the 2018 petroleum discharge.
In late 2020, AEC provided documentation and a professional opinion for the purpose of requesting review and re-evaluation of the SRCO issued by FDEP in 2009 relative to a 1988 petroleum discharge. Based on the significant volume of petroleum-impacted soil excavated from the site, the direction of groundwater flow, and the presence of contaminated soil identified west of the 2018 discharge, AEC concluded that the March 2020 source removal addressed both the December 2018 and the 1988 discharges. In February 2021, FDEP rescinded the 1988 SRCO and requested that supplemental assessment tasks be completed at the site. Additional soil and groundwater testing was completed and FDEP issued an SRCO without conditions for the 1988 discharge in September 2021.
At the completion of the site work, AEC conducted a Phase I Environmental Site Assessment of the site and two adjoining parcels.
AEC’s work and successful achievement of the site SRCO’s has facilitated the redevelopment of the property and the relocation of an FDOT roadway to improve the overall traffic flow in this area.